From shaking the air bubbles out of poured concrete to emptying railcars, these vibrators are a flexible, portable solution.
Our portable pneumatic vibrators are available in models that deliver varying levels of vibratory force, which allows you to choose the one that is ideally suited for your application. For example, they are an excellent solution for vibrating pre-cast concrete and castable refractory. They are also flexible enough to empty railcars carrying stubborn materials.
Depending on specific needs, customers can choose from portable motor-driven, roller or turbine vibrators, each of which generates vibration from a rapid unbalanced rotation of the moving part inside the vibrator’s casing.
Our technicians and engineers are available to provide expert advice and assistance on these products and all of your bulk material handling questions and problems. Please contact us today and let us help!
- Unload materials quickly and thoroughly from railcars
- Ensure the quality of concrete and refractory by removing trapped air
- Available in ATEX-certified models for use in potentially explosive environments
- Eliminate the need to pound on railcars and other containers with a hammer
- Unload stubborn material faster and boost profitability
- Improve the quality of pre-cast concrete elements and castable refractory shapes

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