Protect your employees by making sure your equipment protects them from injury or illness.
Martin Engineering has been designing safety into all of its products since 1944. Having a safe work environment is more than just the right thing to do. It's also required by federal, state and local governments, as well as insurance companies, so it makes good business sense.
That's why we manufacture products that protect workers from moving parts that create pinch and nip points, and from areas that can cause burns and abrasions, like fast moving belts. Our products also keep material safely on the conveyor belt so its doesn't spill or accumulate on floors where it can create slip-and-fall hazards.
Our specialists are available to provide expert advice and assistance on these products and all of your bulk material handling questions and problems. Please contact us today and let us help!
- Employees are happier and more productive when their employer focuses on safety
- Fewer lost man-hours due to illness or injury
- Less unexpected downtime for maintenance and housekeeping
- Eliminate the need for workers to position themselves in hazardous areas
- Protect workers from moving parts that create pinch and nip points
- Keep dust under control, eliminating the risk of explosion or inhalation by workers
- Increased productivity by employees means more revenue
- Minimize the cost of employees missing work due to injury or illness
- Reduce the risk of regulatory fines and lower insurance costs

Free Engineering and Application Assistance
Our technicians have solved problems for people in your industry all over the world. Take advantage of our wealth of knowledge. Tell us about your situation today to learn how Martin can improve your performance, safety and bottom line - with no obligation. We want to ensure that you choose the right solution for your exact needs and we are willing to invest the time upfront to get it right the first time.
Briefly Describe Your Application
Foundations™ for Conveyor Safety
Learn to Calculate your Return on Conveyor Safety™ with our compilation of worldwide best practices for safer bulk material handling in this first-ever textbook dedicated exclusively to the safety of conveyor systems.
Request Your FREE PDF or Hard-Back Copy
Save With Our MartinPLUS® Walk the Belt™ Service!
Every conveyor is different, even within the same facility! We can provide regularly-scheduled reviews of your bulk material handling system components, involving a specialized crew with the expertise necessary to achieve high operating standards, keeping the conveyor system running at maximum productivity. Immediate data and photos will be available to facility managers and our suggestions will ensure long-term savings and efficiency.
Get Your Belts Reviewed By People Who Know What They’re Looking At -- At No Charge!