Foundations™ Basic Training
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Foundations™ Basic Training is an educational presentation intended to introduce entry-level workers to the basic function of belt conveyors used in bulk material handling. The presentation focuses on belt components, general plant safety, conveyor-related safety guidelines and the methods employed to prevent the escape of fugitive materials from the belt conveyor.
Martin Engineering will provide training materials—in the form of a PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes— at no cost, to be used as an internal training presentation. Martin's experts can also conduct the course upon request for a fee.
Designed to be presented in a “live” classroom training session, the Foundations™ Basic Workshop can be completed in a single two-hour time slot.
The Foundations™ Basic Workshop is aimed at “new hires” or employees with little or no experience around belt conveyors.
The presentation covers:
- Conveyor Components and their Functions
- Safety Considerations (General Industrial Plant & Conveyor Specific)
- Principles of Clean Conveyor Operation (Systems to Prevent Spillage and Control Carryback and Dust)
The course will enable attendees to work safely around belt conveyors and have a broad appreciation of industrial safety practices and of bulk material handling equipment.
Details of Course Materials
To allow (and encourage) use with non-English-speaking (and/or non-literate) audiences, the presentation materials are illustrated in an informal “cartoon” style and contain very few words. Consequently, the materials do not need to be translated/read to be effective and valuable.
Material in the Foundations™ Basic Workshop is copyrighted by Martin Engineering. It is provided without charge for general non-commercial use. The presentation can be given inside an organization (for employees of a specific company, for example) but cannot be presented or “sold” to external audiences without permission.
For more information on our Foundations™ Training Programs or to schedule a workshop, call 866-327-2064 or click here.

Our Center for innovation R&D Facility is one of the Largest and Most Complete in The Bulk Material Handling Industry.
With 22,600 square-feet and numerous employees dedicated every day to furthering improvements and new technologies in our client industries, our Center for Innovation is the place to test your bulk materials in a controlled environment and do full-scale testing of system and component performance.
Bring Your Challenges to the Building Where Earlier Industry-Standard Solutions Were Invented