Product Types Used | Vibration Solutions , Piston Vibrators |
Industry | Coal-Fired Power |
Customer | Bonanza Power Plant in Vernal, Utah |

Coal was hanging up on the hoppers beneath the storage silos. Buildup on the walls of the hopper was a ongoing headache for operating personnel and a consistent production bottleneck. The plant resorted to climbing ladders and scaffolding and using sledge hammers to knock the coal loose.

Bonanza contacted Martin Engineering looking for a cost effective solution. Martin installed Cougar® Pnuematic Piston Vibrators because they deliver powerful sledge hammer blows without damaging the silo or requiring manual labor. Cougar® Pneumatic Piston Vibrators also help control noise and can handle a heavy work load with limited air supply.
Martin Engineering replaced the sledge hammers with a cost effective solution which is much safer and less labor intensive. Installation was simple and straightforward, requiring minimal time. Since the installation of the piston vibrators, the plant has eliminated the need to send personnel up on ladders to knock coal loose in the hopper, making the operation safer and more productive.

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